
Who is

amber heard?

Amber Heard said in a recent interview that she has never felt more removed from her own humanity. An organized smear campaign has dehumanized her, but that can't erase who she is or what she's done to connect with and help others.



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Throughout her life, Amber has fought for communities that are often invisible to society. She has supported so many people worldwide, yet her voice has been taken from her. It is time for us to fight for her.

This is how Amber treats people when there are no cameras around.

In June of 2022, a survivor wrote a piece about Amber's kindness and support toward her. Read it here.

While most kids her age were sleeping in, Amber spent her mornings volunteering at a soup kitchen for her local unhoused community.

When Amber moved to LA, she spent a lot of time volunteering at the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles. "Heard talked of her joy in dancing around the hospital, cross-eyed, in clown shoes and bunny ears," calling her hospital experiences life-changing.

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Amber has been a strong advocate for the hard-of-hearing community. She went to Rio De Janeiro to help fit hearing aids.

Amber is fluent in American Sign Language. She wanted to break down language barriers and be more inclusive.

Amber also speaks Spanish fluently.

Amber participated in Amnesty International research missions, attending asylum seekers' hearings in the Mexican Border refugee camp.

Amber partnered with SAMS to provide lifesaving care to Syrian refugee children. In 2018, she joined a medical mission in Jordan.

In 2015 Amber was awarded the Spirit of Elysium award for her advocacy and tireless fundraising. She volunteered weekly for over a decade in hospitals and centers for sick children. She donated money, costumes & art supplies to the organization.

Amber visited with

Smile Train kids when she went to Mexico in 2018. Smile Train is a charity that provides corrective surgery for children with cleft lips and palates in 87 countries. They train local doctors and give hospitals funding for needed dental procedures.

When her school's prom denied entry to a same-sex couple, Amber appealed to the ACLU. She has been an ambassador for the ACLU since 2018.

Amber was the first American woman actor to be named Human Rights Champion to the United Nations Human Rights Office.

During an International Women's Day event, Amber spoke about the way the justice system treats victims of gender-based violence. She also paid tribute to her friend, Amanda Nguyen, who secured the passage of the landmark Sexual Assault Survivors’ Rights Act in the US.

Amber addressed gender equality and biases in Hollywood & pay gaps. Women make up less than a third of actors with speaking roles. She wasn’t afraid to speak up for equity.

HMI, a 40-year-old organization, issued the Emery Award to Amber for raising awareness of vital issues affecting LGBTQ+ youth, including HIV/AIDS prevention, housing/homelessness, education, and health.

Amber campaigned in Lebanon for the rollout of psycho-social programs to help women cope with the effects of PTSD and the stigma associated with mental health.

Amber went to Washington, DC, to speak in favor of the SHIELD Act, which would limit the distribution of intimate visual depictions, stop online photo abuse and help people keep their bodies and information private.

Amber made an impassioned speech for the HMI 2021, drawing on her own experience of isolation after coming out. She iterated that it was worth the risk to her career to empower others in her position.

Amber gave a speech on domestic violence at an event hosted by Women Rising.

In 2019, Amber traveled to Panama with the UN Human Rights Team on a mission aimed at protecting indigenous women and LGBTQ+ rights in Central America.

AmberHeard.info is a Project of Leave Heard Alone

Copyright © 2022 LHA: Supporting Amber Heard & Ending Online Harassment - All Rights Reserved.

No we are not affiliated with Amber's PR Team. We just hate abusers and stand with Amber Heard.